Tuesday, May 17, 2011

interviews, immunizations, and intense workout...oh my!

no matter how old you get, shots never get anymore fun or bearable! yesterday i received FOUR, i put that in capital letters because i want your sympathy and pity for me and my pain :) i guess this is just one more way for me to be able to relate and empathize with my patients when i am on the other end of that syringe. after meeting with the nurse at passport health for a whopping 2 hours (she was a talker), i am one step closer to my trip!!!! (emphasize the exclamation marks to illustrate my enthusiasm!) 

the tally for interviews this week total 2, making a grand total of 6 interviews. yes, i am a professional interviewee, but humbled by my nerves which always seem to get me no matter how many interviews i have participated in. keep your fingers crossed and folded with prayer!

oh and for all you work out enthusiasts who are always looking for a new way to jive up your workout or just prove your complete insanity for a great body and health, i just signed up for a membership with x-fit, a certified cross-fit gym specialized in pumping you up. my sister actually introduced me to it and i immediately fell in love...well, at least as much as you can love a workout regimen. it is an intense, complete and total body workout in 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your plan for the day.  

until later,


  1. nice post love! something else i would love to hear from you are daily, weekly, or just whenever "song your feelin". I love you taste in music and think you should share! Love your blog and love you!! :) xoxo

  2. -"songs im feelin" right now is

    Must download :)
